So here it is…the obligatory New Years post.
All I can really say is that, 2019, bravo you proved me wrong!
This year really brought with it multiple gifts in all kinds of unexpected packages. I could go into painstaking detail, but I’d rather just say, many lessons were learned. I’m still learning, probably forever.
However, I would like to give you, whoever you are reading this, one piece of advice.
I know it looks simple and it is really, but we forget so often don’t we? This moment is all we really have now. So, no matter what can we try to remember that? There are rose days and there are scab days, but you are here now. Perhaps, not fully here, but you are alive. Feel it. We have a heartbeat, breath, and pulse. Let’s just try to remember.
Best wishes as we launch forward.
P.S. New work is ahead.